Saturday, April 7, 2012

24 weeks

This pic is better!  Must be the angle.  Or something.  So, this was a rough week.  My visit with Dr. B was less than fun... the weigh-in showed that I gained 11lbs since my last visit.  Yeah, that much in a month.  *jaw hits floor*  So, she was pretty upset with me about it and considering how insanely busy I've been and will be until next weekend (concert weekend), putting more energy into planning meals better and exercising more are not on my list of priorities just yet.  I know they should be... but darnit, this concert is really hard for me so I want to make it a good one.  That and I don't want to make a fool of myself when the imports get here, we have 4 more horns coming in but they won't be at rehearsals until next week since they live out of the area.  I had a couple of questions for her about a couple issues I've been having, and as usual she quickly dismissed it all as "completely normal."  Not very convincing when it's my pulse pounding in my ears several times a day, especially if I've bent down.  She never really explains anything to me and my questions get quickly dismissed, so between that and how upset she got about my weight (and I kinda consider it a miracle it took so long for me to start gaining at all, honestly), I'm less than impressed with her at this point.  I did find a nurse/midwife at a clinic in town here so I have an appointment with her Monday in an attempt to maybe prepare for this birth or something.  I won't get any of that from my doctor, that's for sure.

The class options here are few and far between.  There's a one-day class at the hospital, which I'll go to since it includes a tour of the maternity wards, but that won't be near enough to prep for birth and I can't get to it until June because the other days keep falling on concert days between now and then.  There is a hypnobirthing instructor in town, but she's not sure if she'll get a class together in time.  She did say she could get me the book and relaxation CD, which would help.  There's a Bradley class in Rapid, but the next one starts in the middle of May, so adding 12 weeks of classes puts me way past my due date.  I need a new plan and I don't know where else to look, so I'm hoping the midwife can help point me in the right direction, or even teach me a few things herself.  We'll see.

I've found a home marketing job that I'm willing to try, but I can't get started on it until I host a party, which will be a few days after the concert.  If the party flops, I might not go for it, but if it goes well I might as well give it a shot.  Details to come after I know how the party goes!

At this point, we're probably not having a shower before she's born.  Apparently Mom's friends want to throw one afterward, but that doesn't solve the problem of needing several registry items before she gets here.  Oh well, at least I have tons of clothes already and my diaper stash is steadily growing.

B can't have surgery yet.  We haven't found a surgeon that will do it at a clinic/hospital that will work with us and Dr. G is on vacation this week so we have no choice but to just wait around until the appointment on the 16th, with the tube in his side.  Leaking onto the bandage, not draining much to the bag.  This makes me irate frequently.  B feels horrible for still being laid up and I can't blame him at all.  I'm sick of him being stuck in the same phase and unable to heal while we try to get the surgeons to talk to each other.  It's all just ridiculous.  The bills are starting to come in now so I need to take stock of what is owed where, which is interesting considering the huge pile of bills that have come in so far.  It's not over yet.  My indiegogo fundraiser has made a little progress, and luckily when people pay with PayPal it goes directly to my PayPal, which we can use to order new bandages and things for him online, which is fantastic!  The ever-lovely Michelle Tyler, who I went to school with in Chicago, has set up another online fundraiser too, so hopefully between the two we can make a dent in some of this.  Here's hoping anyway!


  1. Sadly, a lot of things will be explained as 'normal'. The pulse in your ears? Your blood flow experiences major changes frequently throughout the day due to baby. You are getting way to freaked out about pushing a baby out! My dearest friend, our bodies are built for this and we've been doing it since the dawn of humans. I was surprised both times by how my body just really signaled me that "Its time to push or it's time to turn over and what not." You're going to be good parents, your birth is going to go fine, but I'm glad you're meeting with another option to see if she makes you more comfortable because that is important too. :) Things will slowly get better. I promise. :)

  2. what bugs me is her dismissive attitude about everything i ask... almost like it's a stupid question. i'm not freaked, just feeling unprepared. hoping the midwife can help with all that, or at least translate between the dr and me, since we seem to have some communication issues. or something.

  3. I love that you're doing network marketing! I've been with mine ( for almost three years, and it's been a really cool experience. I hope yours goes you have a website? Would love to check it out.

    Even having never been pregnant, I get so mad when I read about dismissive doctors and scheduled-for-convenience c-sections and the general turning of pregnancy and childbirth into a disease. Bodies know how to do stuff, if we just give them the freedom they need to do it! Stick to your guns, girl.


  4. Hey girl! No website yet, I'm not officially signed up until I get $500 worth of sales at parties I host, but I won't be closing Tuesday's party out until Sunday or Monday so if you want to look at and let me know what pieces you like we can work it out from there. The website doesn't show prices but I have the catalog and they do a bonus buy thing that cuts a lot of the prices way down.

    Doctors are trained to deal with problems, so naturally they're more comfortable with surgical births rather than natural ones. It bothers me a lot too... so I'm hoping that I can prep myself well enough to avoid most of that. My body was built for this!
