Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Week 20 - halfway!

First things first... IT'S A GIRL!  She has all her parts, from what I could tell everything measured within a week of everything else (for things that I saw a time/gestation stamp on), and she's got a lovely profile!  I saw Dr. B just after the ultrasound so she hadn't had a chance to look at it yet but if there were any issues or if they needed a better look at something, she would call.  That was Monday, so I'm just going with the "no news is good news" idea.  We have a name picked out but we may keep it quiet for a little bit.  I really hate when people nitpick my choices since it makes me second-guess myself and that's the last thing I want to be doing with my daughter's name.  The people we have told love it though, so I don't know why anyone else would have a problem with it.  :)

Still clear sailing from my end on this too.  I'm having a little difficulty getting comfortable to sleep but if I put the pillow in the right spot I'm fine.  I've only gained 5 pounds since my 8 week appointment, but you wouldn't know it looking at the size of my belly!  It doesn't feel as big as it looks so mirrors still surprise me a bit.  Looking down, it doesn't seem all that big.  Chiropractic adjustments are getting a bit more uncomfortable too, even though he adjusts the table to make room for the belly.  Oh, and by the way, yes most of my maternity shirts are striped.  Why, you may ask?  Well, apparently it's either that or solid non-fun colors.  Yippee.  Oh well, as long as it's not green I won't look too much like a watermelon. :P

Last weekend was a symphony concert, which meant I was in the car Monday like usual, then after work Thursday and Friday and again on Saturday, plus sitting in 2+ hours of rehearsal each time.  Needless to say, my back didn't agree with that very well.  My muscles actually settled into how out my spine was so when I got adjusted yesterday it ached quite a bit.  I should have an ice pack on it now but I keep forgetting to bring one in to work.  What was rather funny was that the little girl would wake up during the lyrical movements and kick around at every rehearsal and the concert.  It wasn't the loud movements like I expected, it was apparently the ones she liked or something.  Born dancer maybe?  Yay!  We started rehearsals for the April concert already, which will be interesting trying to get my horn chops back up to play the Mahler after being on cello for the last one.  Guess I need to buckle down and actually practice a few times this week so I can actually get through the thing.

B's slowly getting better still.  He still has the drain that he has to get twisted and flushed twice a week and it's still draining a lot of stuff but it's getting thicker, which theoretically means we're towards the end of the process now.  Maybe he only has a couple more weeks left of that.  He's had several job offers call back from applications he put in before the accident and he's getting anxious to be functional again, plus I'm ready to not have to support us entirely on my dinky paychecks.  I've put a few applications out myself, but nothing is forthcoming from those yet.  I feel like we need me to work more, but in the fall I won't be able to work full-time nor do I want to start a new job just in time to take maternity leave. I suppose I can't do everything on my own.  It's been pretty obvious to me for a while that I need to just work for myself instead of depend on the small businesses in this small struggling town to support me, the trick is getting that started, making it profitable, and surviving in the meantime.  It's been a balancing act that I've apparently been failing.  The market here is flooded with the typical work-from-home businesses and I'm not a salesperson, nor do I want to be when I'm not selling my own skills.  Tricky tricky.  Not sure what the answer is but all I can do now is keep trying.

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