Our first attempt at tummy time on the floor,
wearing her Softbums Echo in Lilac |
I know many people will think I'm crazy for using cloth diapers. Honestly, I hadn't even considered it as an option until my BFF/sister
Sara tried them a couple years ago for her son, who was horribly allergic to EVERYTHING. After that, I started looking around at the different styles and found out that a few of my other friends use cloth also. By the time I found out I was pregnant, there was no question in my mind that I'd go with cloth, and especially after buying a couple weeks' worth of diapers to use while Amelia's belly button healed up (less than a week's worth for $30? excusemeverymuch???!!! how do people afford that?) I was still happy with my decision. She's never been a fan of diaper changes but once we get it on she's fine, so the only real difference is that when the diaper pail is full (or I'm almost out of inserts, which needs to be remedied soon!), they go in the washer instead of the garbage. I have some more shells and inserts ordered so we'll be in better shape in a few days and I won't have to wash quite so often. I had no idea what would fit her so I got just a little bit of everything to get started with. The disposables I did have didn't fit very well anyway, the newborn ones were getting too small and the size 1s were too big (and resulted in blowouts), so it works out well that I can adjust these to fit perfectly every time.
In other news, she's now 18 days old and we're all doing very well! We attempted some tummy time on the floor today, but she didn't know what to do with that so her legs were going but her top half was confused lol. She lifts her head a lot when I'm holding her on my chest, so I thought it was worth a try to get some of those muscles built up a little bit. We'll try again tomorrow to see if she gets the idea. I think I got some real smiles out of her today too! She's napping at the moment and I'm attempting to figure out what we should do for dinner. She's been doing pretty well with sleeping at night, even if it's not solid sleep yet. She gets up about every 2-3 hours, but it doesn't take long to change and feed her and get back to bed. It's about on par with how often I had to get up to pee while pregnant so I'm already kinda used to it. Once I figure out dinner I'll grab a little nap. I've been running laundry all day (mostly clothes and sheets, plus a load of diapers) so I at least feel somewhat productive. Yesterday B and I worked outside, him with the weedeater and me in my garden pulling weeds and harvesting potatoes.
Could that paragraph have wandered any more? Maybe I'm more sleep-deprived than I thought. :P
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